Her Majesties Colonies in North America 1850-1906

Her Majesties Colonies in North America 1850-1906

Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Havenlocks advance to Lucknow, 1857 Battle of Aong

Wargames Illustrated has an excellent game scenario featuring my old regiment the 78th Highlanders.
The figures amounts are not so large.

1st Madras (European Fusiliers) 20
64th Regiment 20
78th Highlanders 20
8th Regiment 20
Regiment of Ferozepore 20
Volunteer Cavalry 10
Irregular Horse 10
Royal Artillery 2 guns
Bengal Artillery 2 guns

Balance Rao's Mutineers

Sepoys 10
Badmashes 10
Ghazi Fanatics 10

Illregulars 10
Bengal Light Cavalry 10
Illregular horse 5
Balance Raos Horse 5
2 field guns
2 large guns

The rebels hold a village which they have fortified.
If my Indian figures are more than I think I have, then they shall be in the game.

The British will be a mixture of  Napoleonic British as well as my light infantry from my American revolution troops in light kit.

This action was played in August 2019.
British assault wasn't as easy as expected. The Indian defenders fighting for their home, tried to hold on to the walls, however the British were enraged at the betrayal of their troops and the murder of their compatriots in the end, they prevailed

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